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Monitoring jobs

Monitoring your categorization jobs is straightforward with our API endpoints. You can query the status of a single job, or of all jobs linked to a specific consent or user.

Single Job Monitoring

To track the status of a specific Categorization Job, make a GET request to the following endpoint and replace <jobId> with the unique ID of your job:<jobId>

For example, to retrieve the status of the job with ID e3a44fea-f156-4fc5-dd04-08db5d03478a, the API call would look like this:

To retrieve the status of all jobs linked to a specific consent, use the following endpoint replacing <consentId> with the unique consent ID:<consentId>

For instance, if the consentId is 57ee0578-5bf4-4dcf-e1fa-08db5aa0e6b2, your API call would look like this:

Monitoring Jobs linked to External User

You can also retrieve the status of all jobs associated with a user by using the parameter <userId> or <externalUserId>:<externalUserId>

For example, if the externalUserId is 12345, you would make the following API call:


The status of a job (or jobs) will be returned in an object with the following structure:

IdThe Job's unique IDUuid
ParentIdId of the Parent job. If multiple jobs are dependent on each other it will be linked to one main parent job.Uuid
StatusThe Job's current status: Pending, InProgress, Completed, FailedString
EngineVersionVersion of the categorization engine used for this jobString
ConsentIdThe consent ID associated with the jobUuid
UserIdThe user ID associated with the jobUuid
ExternalUserIdThe external user ID associated with the jobString

Fields that are not always present (ParentId, ConsentId, UserId, ExternalUserId) will be excluded from the response when they contain null values.