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Creating Jobs

To kick-start the categorization process, you can directly call our Categorization API endpoint using a POST request on:

Request Method: POST

Creating a categorization job can be done in two different ways:

  • Consent based
  • User based

This call should include a consentId, a UserId or an ExternalUserId as parameters.

Here's a brief walkthrough on how to initiate jobs with the mentioned API endpoint:

You can start a categorization job by supplying a consentId. This identifier is associated with the user's consent received from the App Screen. For instance, if the consentId is af86536d-34e3-4ebc-6c64-08db56ccef25, you would create a POST request to:

Request Method: POST

Create job using User Id or External User Id

Alternatively, you can initiate a categorization job using a User Id or an External User Id. This is the unique identifier for a user in the system. See the section on creating and managing users in the Account Information section.

For example, if the ExternalUserId is 12345, your API call would look like this:

Request Method: POST

Note, that when using User based jobs, you should pass the UserId or ExternalUserId to the API. At least one of the two is required.

After initiating a Categorization Job, you can use the API to monitor the progress and status of the job.