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User based access

For user based access, first a user needs to be created in the system to allow a consent to be linked to this user. The user can then be used to retrieve the transactions.

Create a user

Using the access token requested in the authentication chapter, send a request to create a new user. This user does not have any consents or accounts yet.

See users API for more information on creating the user.

External User Id

The External User Id is a unique case-insensitive key for the user. For instance this can be an ID from your own system to link the user in EnableNow to the user in your system. On every API call you can use the External User Id or the User Id auto generated by EnableNow.


Do not use incremental values or values which can be easily guessed as external_user_id.
Do not use e-mail addresses or other privacy related data as external_user_id.

In that situation it is recommended to generate a random external_user_id when creating a user and use the generated user_id of EnableNow when calling the appscreen to prevent users to overwrite consents of other users.

To link a user to a consent, add the user_id or external_user_id to the request to the App Screen. This will automatically link the consent to the user.

Invalidating data

When a pre-existing user_id or external_user_id is used in the App Screen, and consent is granted for a provider that already exists for that user, the system initiates a verification process for any consents connected to that provider to prevent duplicate accounts in a user. This process can lead to the revocation of previously granted consents for active accounts that are included in the new consent.

The verification process entails the following steps:

  1. Gathering all currently active consents associated with the user.
  2. Collecting all accounts linked to these active consents.
  3. Identifying if any of the accounts under the currently active consents are also part of the new consent, and if so, revoking the previous consent.

Retrieve user based transactions

Using the access token requested in the authentication chapter, retrieve the transactions using endpoint:

Use the following request parameters:

userIdRequired, or use externalUserId *The User ID (retrieved when creating a new user using the User API)
externalUserIdRequired, or use userId *The external User ID (passed in to the App Screen as unique External User ID)
pageSizeOptional (default 100, maximum 1000)The number of results retrieved per page
pageTokenOptional (default empty)The pagetoken retrieves a specific result page. Leave empty to receive first page.
dateFromOptional (default empty)The DateFrom is used to retrieve transactions that are made from that date. Transaction history is available up to 18 months from the date consent is given. The format of the parameter can be a date string in the format: "yyyy-MM-dd" for example: 2023-04-22 or it can be a UTF date time string based on ISO 8601, for example: 2023-04-22T14:30:10Z
dateToOptional (default empty)The DateTo is used to retrieve transactions that are made till that date. The format of the parameter can be a date string in the format: "yyyy-MM-dd" for example: 2023-04-22 or it can be a UTF date time string based on ISO 8601, for example: 2023-04-22T14:30:10Z
orderByOptional (default transactionDateTime)The orderBy is used to sort the data based on this field.
Allowed values are:
  • id
  • accountNumber
  • description
  • transactionDateTime
  • amount
  • currency
  • counterpartDescription
  • counterpartAccountNumber
orderDirectionOptional (default DESC)The orderDirection is used specify the order direction.
Allowed values are:
  • DESC
  • ASC
* At least one of the two is required.

The response is a response object of transactions