EnableNow offers the ability to retrieve additional information about the accounts.
Retrieve account details
Using the access token requested in the authentication chapter, retrieve the account details using endpoint:
Use the following request parameters:
Parameter | Required | Description |
ConsentId | Optional | The Consent ID (retrieved as parameter from the consent redirect URI) |
UserId | Optional | The EnableNow generated UserId (More info: User based access) |
ExternalUserId | Optional | The External UserId (More info: User based access) |
Page | Optional (default: 1) | Determines which page will be returned |
Size | Optional (default: 10) | Determines how many results will be returned |
The response is a response object of account
Response model
"id": "0a7d4510-037c-42f4-0787-08dafd3dea51",
"iban": "NL91ABNA0417164300",
"accountHolder": "John Doe",
"bban": null,
"providerAccountId": "fa6ae630-1371-425b-813b-4348389154e4",
"currency": "EUR",
"accountBalance": {
"currency": "EUR",
"date": "2023-08-02T09:08:59.1647899",
"amount": 123.45
Inside the data collection, the account object consists of the following properties:
Property | Type | Availability | Description |
id | UUID (v5) | Required | Unique EnableNow ID for this account. |
iban | string | Optional | Account IBAN number for this account in uppercase. Can be null for accounts which have no IBAN number (i.e. savings accounts) |
accountHolder | string | Optional | Provider Account Holder name. |
bban | string | Optional | Provider specific BBAN, some banks use a seperate BBAN to store the account number. |
providerAccountId | string | Optional | Provider specific ID used for this account |
currency | string | Optional | ISO 3 letter currency value in uppercase |
accountBalance | object | Optional | An object representing the information about a user's balance for an account. |
Inside the accountBalance
object you will find the following properties:
Property | Type | Availability | Description |
currency | string | Required | ISO 3 letter currency value in uppercase |
date | string | Required | DateTime of the balance in UTC time |
amount | decimal | Required | The balance amount, this value is negative for negative account balances |