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EnableNow offers the ability to retrieve additional information about the accounts.

Retrieve account details

Using the access token requested in the authentication chapter, retrieve the account details using endpoint:

Use the following request parameters:

ConsentIdOptionalThe Consent ID (retrieved as parameter from the consent redirect URI)
UserIdOptionalThe EnableNow generated UserId (More info: User based access)
ExternalUserIdOptionalThe External UserId (More info: User based access)
PageOptional (default: 1)Determines which page will be returned
SizeOptional (default: 10)Determines how many results will be returned

The response is a response object of account

Response model

"id": "0a7d4510-037c-42f4-0787-08dafd3dea51",
"iban": "NL91ABNA0417164300",
"accountHolder": "John Doe",
"bban": null,
"providerAccountId": "fa6ae630-1371-425b-813b-4348389154e4",
"currency": "EUR",
"accountBalance": {
"currency": "EUR",
"date": "2023-08-02T09:08:59.1647899",
"amount": 123.45

Inside the data collection, the account object consists of the following properties:

idUUID (v5)RequiredUnique EnableNow ID for this account.
ibanstringOptionalAccount IBAN number for this account in uppercase. Can be null for accounts which have no IBAN number (i.e. savings accounts)
accountHolderstringOptionalProvider Account Holder name.
bbanstringOptionalProvider specific BBAN, some banks use a seperate BBAN to store the account number.
providerAccountIdstringOptionalProvider specific ID used for this account
currencystringOptionalISO 3 letter currency value in uppercase
accountBalanceobjectOptionalAn object representing the information about a user's balance for an account.

Inside the accountBalance object you will find the following properties:

currencystringRequiredISO 3 letter currency value in uppercase
datestringRequiredDateTime of the balance in UTC time
amountdecimalRequiredThe balance amount, this value is negative for negative account balances