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EnableNow offers the ability to retrieve specific information about a consent.

Using the access token requested in the authentication chapter, retrieve the consent details using endpoint:

Use any of the following request parameters:

ConsentIdOptionalThe Consent ID (retrieved as parameter from the consent redirect URI)
UserIdOptionalThe EnableNow generated UserId (More info: User based access)
ExternalUserIdOptionalThe External UserId (More info: User based access)

The response is an array of response objects of consent

Response model

"id": "392a6e3b-bd67-419e-98ea-a7f707ca8f4c",
"status": "UPDATED",
"dateStatusUpdated": "2023-08-18T13:14:58.7566045",
"dateRequested": "2023-08-18T13:14:29.9290302",
"dateExpire": "2023-11-16T13:14:56.4364593",
"dateTransactionsUpdated": "2023-08-18T13:15:01.4291241",
"providerKey": "ABNANL2A",
"errors": []

Inside the data collection, the consent object consists of the following properties:

idUUID (v5)RequiredUnique EnableNow ID for this consent.
statusstringRequiredThe current status of the consent (e.g., "UPDATED").
dateStatusUpdateddatetimeRequiredThe DateTime when the status of the consent was last updated in UTC time.
dateRequesteddatetimeRequiredThe DateTime when the consent was originally requested in UTC time.
dateExpiredatetimeRequiredThe DateTime when the consent will expire in UTC time.
dateTransactionsUpdateddatetimeRequiredThe DateTime when transactions related to the consent were last updated in UTC time.
providerKeystringRequiredThe key representing the provider associated with the consent (e.g., "ABNANL2A").
errorsarrayOptionalAn array containing any errors related to the consent. Empty if no errors exist.

Inside the error array you can find error objects with the following properties:

datestringRequiredDateTime of the error in UTC time
typestringRequiredThe error type
codestringRequiredThe error code
messagestringRequiredThe provided error message